Project Number Date
Live Demo Project 101 03 May 2024, 09:45

Feature Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Feature Qualifier Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
1st feature Chrome 80, mobile 10 0 0 0 0 10 1 0 1 1:39.263 Passed
Tags: @featureTag
Feature 1st feature
This is description of the feature
Perfect background
# Some comments
# Some more comments
Given I have a new credit card 1:39.107
# First comments
# Second comments
And My credit card is described as follow: 0.009
"issuer": {
"name": "Real Bank Inc.",
"isn:": "RB55800093842N"
"card_number": "4896 0215 8478 6325",
"holder": "A guy"
When I confirm my pin number 0.007
Müller Deutschland
Nováková Česko
Kovačević Hrvatska
Παπαδόπουλος Παπαδόπουλος
罗/羅 中國
Then the card should be activated 0.000
Account holder withdraws cash
Given the account balance is 100 0.017
And the card is valid 0.033
And 100 is contained in the machine 0.044
When the Account Holder requests 10, entering PIN 1234 0.011
Then the ATM should dispense 10 monetary units 0.003
And the account balance should be 90 0.030
max min
20 3
After MachineFactory.timeout() 0.060